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Formation Flying

During formations keep about 30 meters distance to avoid collision.


The Rotte (pair) is the basic fighting unit for all Jagdwaffe formations. It consists of the Rottenfüher (pair leader) and the Katschmarek (wingman). The Rottenfüher is responsible for making the kills and the Katschmarek is simply following the Rottenführer and protecting his tail.



Two Rotten make up a Schwarm (flight). Typically flying in the finger four formation where the leading Rotte is flying to one side and slightly ahead of the other. As you can see a Staffel is made out of 3 Schwarms.



A Staffel (squadron) formation comprises three Schwärme (flights) either stepped up in line astern or in line abreast.



Following the tripartite system, a Gruppe (group) consists of three Staffeln (squadrons).



The Geschwader (wing) is the largest, mobile homogeneous Luftwaffe flying unit and usually contains three our four Gruppen (groups).

     The formation consists of a flight of four aircraft, composed of a "lead element" and a "second element", each of two aircraft. When viewing the formation from above, the positions of the planes resemble the tips of the four fingers of a human right hand (without the thumb), giving the formation its name.


     The lead element is made up of the flight leader at the very front of the formation and one wingman to his rear left. The second element is made up of an additional two planes, the element leader and his wingman. The element leader is to the right and rear of the flight leader, followed by the element wingman to his right and rear.


     Both the flight leader and element leader have offensive roles, in that they are the ones to open fire on enemy aircraft while the flight remains intact. Their wingmen have a defensive role — the flight wingman covers the rear of the second element and the element wingman covers the rear of the lead element.


     Four of these flights can be assembled to form a squadron formation which consists of two staggered lines of fighters, one in front of the other. Each flight is usually designated by a color (i.e. Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green).

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